Contact Us
Welcome to HONG KONG GLOBAL DENTAL LABORATORY LIMITED. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to work with you. Please provide the following information and we will ship you a package with everything you need to get started. Thank you for your business!

Our Work Process
All cases and parcels arrive at our Hong Kong office. They are then forwarded to our laboratory for production. Finished cases are send from Hong Kong by your choice of courier.
Clear communications are the foundation of all successful restorations. Whenever there is an issue, we always ask for any details. So the final restorations will satisfy your expectations.
To allow time for quality results, 6-7 working days are needed for most cases. More time may be needed for complex works. Feel free to contact us for an estimate on specific cases.
We provide adjustments and remakes at no additional lab fee within the 5 year guarantee period. You only need to provide the original case number and details about the issue.